An Embarrassment at the Last Resort

This entry comes by pushing one of its forerunners into the bay of ‘to-be completed’ entries because this entry would have more prominence the sooner it is written by me and published. Keeping with my resolution that I would write a blog entry for every news-story of mine that gets published on the internet during my internship, here I am with an entry with the publication of my third story.

Well, working for this story wasn’t as easy as the previous two, although I wouldn’t say this one is my best. The previous two were surely much better! But for this story, yes, I had to work harder.

One fine Wednesday morning, I left home early for the School of Open Learning at the Delhi University’s North Campus. I got an appointment with the Executive Registrar but due to some reasons he was not willing to talk and he referred me to the assistant registrar who was busy at that moment and would get free only after an hour and a half.

Waiting in the scorching June heat at mid-day was not a good idea for sure. I was suggested to drop the idea of the story and move ahead with another idea. But, this story had to go ahead.

I entered the room of the person I had been referred to and the main chair was empty. There was one man sitting on the chair near it, in front of the computer. I went ahead to talk to him, introduced myself and said I had been referred to the registrar and asked when I could meet him. Well, there are some embarrassing moments! The person I was talking to right now, turned out to be the person who I had been referred to!

A small interview followed and then a few conversations with some aspirants and I was out of the place.

Today finally, the story gets published. Seeing my name published on so many websites actually feels good and encourages me to write even more.

And, adding to that, type Distance Learning- a last resort for Delhi students on Google and check any of the links that you find!

Hoping for another byline story soon in these last few days of my internship.

I hope you are having a good time reading my stories and more importantly, my blog! Hehe…


  1. Journalists really work very hard to write news stories. A lot of patience is required to do a good job (read story). Think of Journalists like M J Akbar, Rajdeep Sardesai, Pranab Roy, Barkha Dutt and others who have soared to the pinnacle of glory in the field. How much hard work they must have done to be where they are today! Don't be afraid of hard work. It pays in no uncertain terms. Good luck for the next story.


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