Chicken pox: Go to hell...

Wouldn't you say that??? You plan for a great birthday at a new location, you plan for great weekends ahead, you plan to visit your friends at your old place and you are gifted with chickenpox!! What other reaction would you have, if not this??

9th December:-- Body garam...Feeling unwell...In hostel... Thankfully a holiday... So slept the whole day (almost)... At 11 PM, found something red appear near the neck...Saw in mirror...Thought must be a mosquito bite...But afraid that it might be chickenpox...My roommate had it 2 weeks back...

10th December:-- 7AM, got ready for school...Saw a boil on the left hand...Afraid...Went to the School Clinic...Doctor confirms: This is chickenpox & u must go home immediately...
10:30AM, Went to another doctor...She said complete bed rest for 7 days...(Oh no!!!)...No TV...No Computer...No bathing...No school...No coaching...No STUDIES... and so on...Slept the rest of the day...

11th :--Sleep...sleep...sleep...

12th December:-- I think I will make a separate post for this special day...

13th and 14th:--Nothing khaas...No more sleeping, though...thankfully...

15th December:--What an idea...(Don't ask me what's that!!!)...

16th, 17th:-- Working on that idea...

18th December:-- Called up my class teacher to enquire about the Annual Day. Got the entry pass into the auditorium...But! Chickenpox is the cause, I am unable to go for the Annual Day...It is on 19th and 20th...

19th:-- Should I call it just another day?? No... My dream and my idea had their Sriganesh done today...

20th:--That's today, right? Woke up at 10, had breakfast and then internetting...

Cold is setting on in Delhi...The extreme days are yet to come...


  1. u have kept so many wat d u call tat..........suspense!!!!now please end tat suspense about 12,15,16 an 17 please i m gatting impatient............

  2. How do you know Neelkanth Varni story is a true story. What about Ramayan? Mahabharat?


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