Melodious Mornings #Colgate360GoldMornings
I don’t remember waking up on my own ever during my school
life (before going to the hostel). My mother would wake me up and my father has
a huge collection of cassettes that he would play on the tape-recorder. I would
get ready with some devotional songs giving me company in the background. The
collection was huge and wasn’t just limited to a few songs, although some tunes
remain in my head till now very distinctly like the Vishnu Sahashranaama or Ganpati
Vandana or Anoop Jalota’s ‘Sooraj ki
garmi se…’
The same was the case at my grandparents’ place- it was either
the early morning news on All India Radio or the Vishnu Sahashranama. I am sure all their mornings are still made
joyful with the same routine.
When I was in Delhi till a few months ago, I would visit my
cousins over the weekends. The most irritating part about the mornings would be
their beginning with the sound of ‘Doraemon’ on TV. If I could, I would have immediately
turned the blue bubblehead into gold for ruining my good Sunday mornings.
There was once a point when I had tried putting one of my
favourite songs as the alarm tone on my phone. Within a couple of weeks I had
developed a deep hatred towards the song and never after that a song became the
alarm tone. (I think I also tried putting songs on random in lines with Bigg
Boss. I would hear a fresh song each day and if I liked it, I would wait for it
to finish rather than consider it an emergency alarm and wake up. The practice
was abandoned soon for good.)
This Republic Day morning, I was woken up by the sound of
patriotic songs playing with a high volume. I was irritated for a moment for
losing my sleep, but the very next moment a smile curved on my face. It was for
the first time since school ended that I was hearing these songs blaring out of
the loudspeakers early in the morning on a national holiday. The morning had
just been turned into a great one with the melody.
In hindsight, songs have been an integral part of my
mornings since I can remember. And listening to them is surely the most
soothing way to turn good mornings into gold ones, at least for someone like
me, who doesn’t remember when he last witnessed the sunrise on a normal day.
Imagine my surprise when one January morning at 7, the
doorbell rang and I was delivered a huge personalised package from Colgate filled with goodies titled
‘Wake up to a Gold Morning’. The package contained, among other things, a
Colgate Charcoal Gold toothbrush. The surprise had indeed turned the morning
into a golden one! #Colgate360GoldMornings
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