Writing on a particular topic has always been a difficult task for me, everywhere outside the examination hall. But somehow recently I am hooked up to writing blog entries on topics away from my personal life. Looking for a topic to write about is probably a not-so-easy task. But with the Times of India in hand, loads of themes to write about, suddenly spring up. May it be the countdown to the Commonwealth Games or the inauguration of the new Terminal 3 at IGI Airport or Nadal’s 2nd Wimbledon win or more popularly, the 2010 FIFA World Cup- everything seems to have captured the imagination of millions across the globe and therefore are things which everyone knows about. So I thought, “What else can I write about?” Umm… why not a different take on these very topics? Yes…let me try that…

With the football fever affecting people from all walks of all countries, even Indians are no less fanatics. Over the last 4 weeks, it has just been FIFA everywhere. India has not found a chance to enter the World Cup after 1950, the year when the Indian team was refused to play as the team was not ready to wear leather shoes!! Over the past years, the football fandom has surely made its presence felt in India with youngsters cheering for Ronaldo and Messi, replicating the reception received by the Indian cricket team. Reportedly the 2006 FIFA World Cup had more Indian viewers than the first season of the IPL. So is football actually scoring over the religion of India-Cricket? Amidst all this, where is hockey- the national game of the country??

Talking about sports reminds me of the Commonwealth Games which are now less than 90 days away. So is the capital geared up to host the multination tournament? The 8th largest terminal building in the world found itself mapped on the map of India at IGI as T3. So Delhi can now ive a modernized classical welcome to the world. With the onset of monsoons in the capital, and just over 50 mm of rainfall on the first day, half the city roads were waterlogged and there is no drainage system in site! A recent experience on a DTC Green Bus on rote 717, left me and my friends stranded on the middle of a road. The conductor of the bus refused the fact that the bus goes to Dwarka and forced us to get out of the bus. I had been to Dwarka on a bus in the same route just four days before that and the DTC website revealed that the bus should actually terminate at the Dwarka Sector 9 Metro station. So is that how we are going to treat our guests during the Games? And they say “Delhi is ready for the Games”! Wow!!

The nationwide strike that was declared last Monday- was that of any use? Of course it was! Loads of public money wasted, transportation at a halt and a good excuse for people for not going for work! The children were surely happy with an extra day off from school!! But did the ‘bandh’ serve its purpose? Was the government’s decision of hike in fuel prices taken back?? Surely not!

Now even the TOI has failed me! I can’t find anything interesting enough to write about and moreover, I am sleepy!! It’s 1 AM after all!

Well, these were clearly random thoughts that came into my mind and so the rambling style of writing. I don’t know if what I wrote was interesting at all, but at least I whiled away some of my boring time. And since you are already reading this, that clearly means you were nothing less than ‘vella’!! Hehe… anyways, do leave your views and comments for others to share with and for me to improvise with ‘topic-writing’!! Hoping for something better for you the next time!

Take care.


  1. hey.....
    1st of all lemme tell u ....i was nt at all 'vella'. while ereading this....
    2nd....i find it really really interesting, seriously....
    3rd....the writing style is also excellent...tat's wt 'I' feel.....
    so keep on blogging abt random things...
    also write abt urself sumtimes......
    koi padhe naa padhe, main surely interest ke saath padhta hun.....

  2. I wud lyk 2 ask 2 questions and obviously xpct answers:

    1. Y is d title "On Second Thoughts"? Though I can guess something, I need an apt ans.

    2. Tu games period mein khelta hi kahaan tha jo tujhe games mein thoda interest aaya? And dat 2 not in a lazy game lyk cricket rather a busy game lyk football? May b ur being a Delhiite is ur ans.

    Anyway, ur both articles wr really gud. May b a non-Delhiite wud bcom a Delhiite (according 2 ur definition of course) by reading ur article.

  3. Gr8 style.......
    Gr8 topics..........

  4. who r u??
    wat did u do to my brother???

  5. Everybody thinks hw 2 make their views presentable clad in excelllent style and difficult words. But d uniqueness abt ur writng style iz dat u xpress ur thots as u think dem widout ne editing. Keep up ur unique style. After all, we r our own persons.

  6. @rakesh- okay....u r nt vella!! Nyc dat u lykd the rambling! (That means you had lykd POETS AND PANCAKES?? yuk!!!) :)

    @pallabi- "On second thoughts"...Well, dnt think of ths in any philosophical ws random..i wantd to gv a new look to my blog and wntd to change the title from "Antarik Anwesan" to something that people would think philosophically about! I made a google search of "phrases" and somewhr found "On second thoughts", didnt knw wat it wld mean on my blog...but still i named my blog that!! Now it mite mean: The blog got a revampd look on my second thoughts!! Got it?? Naa?? dnt try! Evn i m confused!! But i think i got the desired attention n curiosity to the title!! :P
    Anyways, what did u guess??

    @Mr/Ms Anonymous: I knw things r gr8...but it would have been much more gr8 had you wrote ur name!! :\

    @akankshya- this is some1 on 2nd thots!! Lol....anyways...who's ur brother?? Kho gaya? Filed an FIR yet??

    @Pallabi again- Uniqueness doesnt always mean good!! :)

  7. Arre jo kho gaya uske piche ya aage...ya kahin aur time WASTE nahi karte....!!!

  8. Sorry 2 say, bt d Anonymous thng ws me. Earlier,I didnt knw hw 2 put up my name thr n got an idea let d article b appreciated anonymously.

    Neway,wht ws meant by Pinky's both comments n ur reply 2 dem???


  9. If u remember biology 4m tenth, Mutation may nt always b positive, bt its d only thng dat has forwarded evolution n made us wht we r 2day.

    Similarly, uniqueness is d only way by whch we can proceed though all uniqueness is nt rewarded dat way. Bt,I thnk ur uniqueness is obviously progresive remarking d beginning of an era, whr formalities shrink n realities bare demselves out.


  10. Wheres d ans 2 my 2nd ques???


  11. Articles need not be topic based. They should be interesting and worthy of publication. You are slowly but steadily improving in your style of writing.Be yourself don't imitate others. I suggest you try sending some of your stuff to newspapers and magazines just to see if they are worthy of publication. Also join the freelance writers You may get writing assignments from them.
    You are on the way to become a free lancer. Keep up the spirit.


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