The last days of our seniors at the hostel

As you might have guessed, this entry is about the days when our seniors left the portals of school life forever. Starting March 21st and going on till 13th April, these were the gloomiest days of our stay at this beautiful hostel.

I had wanted to write this entry as early as 13th April but due to some problem or the other it got delayed. I don’t think the exact mood of those days can ever be replicated by me in any form. Now it’s been almost two months since all the seniors left. Here I am making some very private things available to you just so that you could get a close view at the atmosphere prevailing around us then.

Here are some extracts from my not-so-well-maintained diary:

25th March ’09 (Wednesday)

“…Paras bhaiya, Abhimanyu bhaiya & Samudra bhaiya[the one frm SBP] left. Was quite an emotional moment! Hostel feels so khali-khali now! The ones who were the lifeline of the hostel have left…”

26th March ’09 (Thursday)

“…Hostel is getting scantier day-by-day. In 17 days it would be just the 8 of us left…”

13th April ’09 (Monday)

“…wasn’t feeling good- may be b’cuz of M.T. & everyone leaving. Went to school. After attendance came back to hostel (via clinic- took anti-anxiety pill) to bid final goodbye to seniors. All was well. Around 9, thought of going back to school. Met every senior. When Piyush bhaiya and Rahul bhaiya talked to me then, I don’t know why but I started crying. Left the place as fast as I could. Venky, on Amrit’s saying, stopped me midway & said atleast to make others happy I should come back, or may be looking at me he would start crying. I returned…Felt lighter then…Said goodbye to all the bhaiyas…Returned to school for M.T. Wasn’t able to concentrate in class at all. I think…”

Wasn’t that enough of my diary? Surely you can’t expect everything to be out! A diary is supposed to be personal!

Now after typing all this, a question just struck me: Why am I after all making my personal feelings, public? I am sorry to find that I have no answer. I am just doing it!

Hope you enjoyed. But was that something that was supposed to be enjoyed? I don’t know! Please have your say…


  1. I went through your blog and was really moved by your description. Anyway why did you take anti- anxiety pills? What is meant by "7 cuber,354"?

  2. Hey Pallabi, thanks for the blog-reading. Here are the clarifications u wanted:
    Anti-anxiety pill: The doctor suggested that at the clinic since I was hving some funny stomach pain (which i think were more psychological!!)....
    The "7 cuber, 354" was the no. of days (343 & 354)...I think u mite hv missed these in the main entry...


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